Before I was born, I was diagnosed with a medical condition called Hydronephrosis for both of my kidneys (my kidney tubes were underdeveloped). My parents were told that I could have down-syndrome and would require surgery.
The day that I was born, they were so grateful that I looked normal and did not seem to have down-syndrome, but the doctors took me away for examinations of my kidneys right away. Sure enough, they recommended surgery immediately.
It was very difficult for my parents to let the doctors take me into the operating room and have an open surgery on such a tiny baby, so they decided to do their own research and visited many top doctors for alternative treatment options. They finally decided to wait and monitor my condition closely with one of the doctors they found.
At the age of two, when we moved up to Northern California, I had my check-up with one of specialist from Stanford Hospital. My parents were told that everything looked normal with my kidneys. They told me that was the best of moment of their lives, besides giving birth to me.
Such great news was better than winning the lottery to them. I am so grateful that I was fortunate to have outgrown my condition and given a second chance. I learned not to take it for granted for everything that I have. And if possible, I'd like to bring the less fortunate children hopes, making a difference in their lives or even just a simple smile, to help them See the Rainbow again.
I wanted to give back to society. So I started donating to the children at the shelters the toys from my birthday parties since seven years ago, when I was four. I also spent my piggy bank money to buy new toys along with the presents I got from birthdays and Christmas.
My younger brothers, Aaron & Anderson joined me a few years ago in donating to the shelters. We always feel very sad about what these children have to go through everyday. Their daily struggles on necessities such as food, shelter and sometimes their safety as well if they are in a domestic violence situation.
In order to help these children and raise more awareness in society, See the Rainbow was founded in 2016.
We had our 1st Valentine's toy/book drive at my previous school, Stratford - San Jose, in 2017. The outpouring of support from the students and faculties there was totally amazing. We were able to collect hundreds of new toys and books for the children at the San Jose Homeless Shelter and Next Door - Solutions to Domestic Violence.
I am so grateful to have our local elementary schools, church and public libraries in Evergreen San Jose, other businesses and corporations joining our effort in making a difference in these children's lives.
With the continued support from our communities, I hope that we could put a big smile on these children’s face on their birthdays, and raise the awareness in society on helping the children in need.
Our goal is to give them hope and help them See the Rainbow again!
With all my love,